Join us for the panel
Watch our panelist talk from different angles – live in Palo Alto (April 13th) or literally as a 360° video premiere at the virtual VRARA Enterprise & Training Forum (May 24th)
Option 1:
Live in Palo Alto / April 13th, 4:30pm
Option 2:
360° video premiere / May 24th, TBA
(during our Enterprise & Training Forum)
Perspective on VR/AR Learning from John Haddick (Lenovo), Monica Arés (Ex-Meta), Oliver Göck (3spin Learning) & Dr Walter Greenleaf (Stanford University)
Very exclusive event (extremely limited on-site seats) or 360° video for an immersive experience in your VR headset or via YouTube
Chance to talk to the panelists after the event if you attend the panel in Palo Alto (requires application through our form on the right)