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Join us for this presentation of the Brazil Chapter of VRARA. Our speakers & topics include:
-Antônio Quintella: VRARA Brazil Chapter President
Metaverse in Brazil
-Gustavo Carriconde:CEO Gutenberg Ventures | Founder ResumoCast
The metaverse in Brazil and investment possibilities
-Heron Werner:
Responsável pelo Laboratório de Biodesign Dasa / PUC-Rio
Doutorado em Radiologia - UFRJ
Especialista em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e ultrassonografia (FEBRASGO / CBR).
Membro da Academia Brasileira de Ultrassonografia
Membro da Academia Latino Americana de Ultrassonografia
VR and AR in healthcare in Brazil.
-Mohamed Diab: MBA, Managing Director at Ebers, Digital; Health Consultant
VR in Healthcare
-Sana Farid:MENA President, VRARA Association
The metaverse and the health area