JULABO, an international manufacturer, joins the VR/AR Association

JULABO is an international manufacturer of temperature-control technology for research and industry.

JULABO USA was first introduced to the VRARA through their relationship with Atheer. In May 2019, they announced their partnership with the introduction of LucaVision, their augmented reality service solution – a first in the laboratory industry! Since then they have piloted the technology with their first customer, and they are actively training their service depots throughout the US and Canada, ultimately aiming to decrease application downtimes by providing remote AR service support.

Their Vice President of Sales, Marketing & Service, Dirk Frese, is extremely involved in the initiative from multiple perspectives, a personal passion and a professional interest. He was first introduced to the technology through Porsche North America, which utilizes the Atheer platform for remote automotive maintenance. Through Dirk’s leadership, they have been able to realize the value of aligning their company with VR/AR as a product differentiator in the very niche temperature control solutions market. Dirk has been featured at multiple VR/AR focused events, including: VRARA Association Silicon Valley event (Enterprise AR: Implementations, Measuring Success, and Lessons Learned), (VRARA Enterprise Summit at LiveWorx), and the VR/AR Global Summit. He is available for speaking opportunities to share our story with you and your teams.

Tricia Bowman is their Marketing Communications Project Manager, and she is most looking forward to support for communicating VR/AR in their brand strategy and how to implement Technology 4.0 in the fabric and culture of an organization. She will be looking for opportunities to share lessons learned with like-minded individuals in the marketing field.

Contact tricia.bowman@julabo.us

Top Ten Announcements from this year's VR/AR Global Summit

Forbes has written that our Global Summit is “one of the year’s most anticipated conferences”. Well, having travelled to Vancouver for the 2nd edition this year I was just blown away. From attendees to speakers to exhibitors, this gathering lives up to our mission of educating, connecting and promoting our ecosystem!

So without further todo here is my Top Ten list of announcements at #VRARGS

  1. Lenovo launches their developer program for ThinkReality and A6 headset with inaugural workshop.

  2. While Niantic couldn't make it official at the Summit and only hinted at some big news, you can see the results of their first Beyond Reality Developer Contest

  3. XRSI's Enterprise Level Information Security Framework for the XR domain coming in Q1 2020.

  4. Launch of the VRARA Women’s Committee with DC Chapter VP Sophia Moshasha and Global Summit Producer extraordinaire Anne-Marie Enns to helm it.

  5. The Vancouver office of Microsoft introduce their in-house on-the-job training application for Hololens 2 that is fully-integrated with their Dynamics 365 CRM/ERP platform.

  6. EPIC & VRARA sign MoU for industry collaboration on immersive hardware standards and advisory mandates.

  7. Cathy Hackl joins Aurea Award Jury for immersive tech entertainment award at Europa Park in January.

  8. 6D.ai to launch AR Cloud app on iOS. Register for with Apple Testflight to get beta access already

  9. 8th Wall launch a brand new WebAR cloud editor and hosting web app.

  10. World Bank showcase their immersive safety initiative for Latin American schools. Image below, but not official online links yet…

Jimmy Vainstein from the World Bank onstage

Jimmy Vainstein from the World Bank onstage

NJ school district turns to VR to show how bullying feels. (Pico Headsets on CBS This Morning thanks to partner Kinful!)

In CBS’s series "School Matters," CBS is highlighting a problem plaguing many schools around the country: bullying.

New Jersey seventh grader Luca Mattielli says his problems with bullies began in elementary school.

"I guess I'm not respected towards them, because they're all the cool kids and they got their big shot stuff," Mattielli says. "And I'm not. I'm just boring. I'm boring old me... boring to the sense where I am not the greatest soccer player that they've ever known. I was always picked last during gym."

CBS News was there as Mattielli and his classmates watched a 360-degree video, made by their 8th grade peers, for the first time. Through virtual reality, the students show each other what it feels like to be excluded from activities like basketball.
Michael Davino, the superintendent of the Springfield School District, introduced virtual reality technology into the curriculum last year.

"We needed a way to convey to those people, 'if you knew what this felt like, you might not do it,'" Davino says.

Davino says the ultimate goal of the virtual reality videos is, "To open up to as many young people and adults as we can, the serious and long-range impact of being mean-spirited just to satisfy yourself. And that in the end your satisfaction is fleeting, and those people are suffering."

Although 49 states have anti-bullying legislation, there is no federal law. Nearly half of children in grades four through 12 reported being bullied in school at least once in the past month. And nearly a third of students admitted to bullying others in the same time frame.

Davino was driven to start doing the videos, in part, by New Jersey college student Tyler Clementi, who died by suicide in 2011. The tragedy spawned state wide anti-bullying legislation, but Davino says it doesn't go far enough.
"It's essentially become a reporting law and doesn't really address the underlying problems that lead to harassment, intimidation and bullying," Davino says.
So, he teamed up with Kinful, a company that teaches social-emotional learning by using virtual reality to recreate real-life scenarios like the cyber-bullying Erica Carrie faced in high school.
Carrie says her peers picked on her because she had a lot of guy friends.
"There would always be some sort of slut shaming," Carrie says. "I think there was one point where I just, like, did not wanna even go out of my room at home."
Now a college freshman, she hopes this experiment breaks through to both students and parents.
"I want them to take away that we have to think about how the bully is feeling, and that they do have an insecurity, and that we should be nicer to them, as well," Carrie says. "We kind of glaze over that when talking about bullying."

High school freshman Morghan Blair hopes her video impacts others and reminds them how much words can hurt.
"And the one word that I don't like always comes up in every conversation," Blair says. "The N-word. So I used that. I had to show people how it feels to be in my shoes if they had to for one day."
She says learning to forgive has helped her heal, but the scars will never entirely fade.
"It's like a birthmark," Blair says. "It can't always be covered up, but it's always just gonna be there with you, but at the end of the day, it makes you stronger as a person."


Canadian VR/AR at the 4th Annual AWE EU


This year the Vancouver VRAR Association led a mission to the fourth annual Augmented World Expo (AWE) EU in Munich, Germany. As the world’s leading VR/AR conference, the AWE draws industry experts, insiders, and enthusiasts from around the world each year to explore the latest advancements in immersive technology. With nearly 2,000 guests, 125+ speakers, and 100+ exhibitors, plus a record number of startups and enterprises in attendance, 2019 was the biggest year yet.

In partnership with Launch Academy, the VRARA was proud to debut the first-ever Canadian Pavilion and host a delegation of ten Canadian companies from across 5 provinces and 5 from BC: VR Vision Inc., Finger Food Advanced Technology Group, MAMMOTH XR, Kognitiv Spark, Motive.io, Arcane Technologies, Volumetric Camera Systems, Precision OS Technology, Quantum Capture Inc., and YDX Innovation

Over the course of the two-day conference, the Canadian Pavilion put Canadian VR/AR talent and innovation on display for the world to see and interact with. The pavilion included booths for each company where conference guests could meet and greet with local leaders and demo the latest activations. 

“Attending AWE EU was the perfect opportunity to bring our local industry together to showcase the strength of the Canadian VR/AR ecosystem and the incredible talent at work here to an international audience of VR/AR leaders.” Dan Burgar, President of the Vancouver VRAR Association.

Panel discussions and networking opportunities gave the Canadian delegation the opportunity to further share their experiences and weigh in on the future of VR/AR.


Vancouver VR/AR Association VIP Reception Dinner

To kickstart the conference, the Vancouver VRARA hosted a special VIP reception dinner that brought the Canadian delegation of companies together with international VR/AR thought leaders and top brands including BMW, Siemers, Daimler, Audi, and the BBC. 

The evening was led by Nancy Basi, Executive Director of Media and Entertainment at the Vancouver Economic Commission, and focused on emerging trends in VR/AR and opportunities for growth and global collaboration. 


Panelist speakers included Jay Latta of BMW Group, Amy Peck of HTC and EndeavorVR, Martin Liboska of Deutsche Telekom, Jacob Loewenstein of Spatial, Kavya Pearlman of XR Safety Initiative, and Jan Pflueger of Audi. 

It was a full-house event and a lively evening of networking and relationship building where guests discussed the latest advancements in VR/AR technology, exchanged ideas, and laid the foundation for future collaboration. 

Between the well-attended VIP dinner and bustling two-day conference, the delegation had the chance to network with big-name brands and VR/AR thought leaders who they otherwise may never have connected with. It’s in-person meetings like these that drive collaboration and spark innovation. 


The Canadian Delegation at AWE EU will have an impact on not only the companies who attended but also the wider Canadian VR/AR ecosystem as a whole. The Vancouver VR/AR Association has been focused on developing the immersive industry in BC by driving increased exposure and securing global interest for local enterprises. AWE EU presented the perfect opportunity to expand these efforts across the country and forge stronger relationships between Canadian VR/AR companies from coast to coast. 

The Canadian Delegation was hosted jointly by the Vancouver VR/AR Association with support from our valued partners the Vancouver Economic Commission, Launch Academy, VHDA, Tourism Vancouver, Creative BC, Trade and Invest BC, the Canadian Government, and the Bavarian Government. 


Watch the recording of the Scope AR webinar, which highlighted a few amazing ROIs and Case Studies

It is clear that ​augmented reality (AR) can ​​provide ​real ​value to ​enterprise organizations ​ In fact, AR can deliver value well beyond traditional return on investment metrics and also help drive more intangible benefits pertaining to employee satisfaction or improved talent recruitment and retention. ​

But how do you actually prove it? It is key ​to understand the reason​s​ behind your AR deployment and what you’re trying to improve upon in order to illustrate the true value of this transformative technology. ​

This Scope AR and the VR/AR Association webinar was info packed with:
*Key essentials to help you prove ROI in your next AR project
*Strategies to secure budget for your AR use cases
*How Scope AR's WorkLink Platform can help your organization see real ROI on your AR investment

ROI for AR.png

Watch it here thevrara.com/webinars

Looking Glass Reveals the World's Largest and Highest Resolution Holographic Display

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The dawn of group-viewable Immersive Display is here with the Looking Glass 8K

Brooklyn, NY - Nov 12 - For enterprises that have been waiting decades for a large-format, group-viewable holographic solution that doesn't require the friction of VR or AR headsets, the Looking Glass 8K Immersive Display has finally arrived. At four times the scale of anything else on the market, the Looking Glass 8K measures in at 32" with holographic depth measured in feet rather than in the inches of everything that's come before. The Looking Glass 8K will be available worldwide, with the first public demonstration at the Digital Content Expo in Japan (Nov 13-15) in Booth D207. Pre-orders are being accepted globally with shipments starting Spring 2020.

This breakthrough system, powered by Looking Glass Factory's proprietary 45-element light field technology, is a true holographic window into another world that can be experienced by groups of up to a dozen people. The Looking Glass 8K delivers an unparalleled 33.2 million pixels with over a billion-count color gamut at 60 Hz, making it not only the largest holographic display in the market today but also the highest fidelity. The Looking Glass 8K operates on optical principles and a software platform that doesn't require any head-tracking or VR or AR headsets, making it ideal for companies that want to collaboratively view or interact with 3D images in the areas of retail, mapping/GIS, medical imaging, and entertainment.

The Looking Glass 8K's hardware and software have been developed by a team of industry-leading optics experts, electrical engineers, and software developers in Brooklyn-based company Looking Glass Factory, the market leaders in holographic light field displays. Having sold thousands of Looking Glass developer kits over the past year, the company created the Looking Glass 8K to meet the needs of enterprises who were looking for a deeply visceral, genuinely three-dimensional collaborative experience.

Industry Testimonials

Greg Castle, an early investor in Oculus and Managing Partner at Anorak Ventures, said about the Looking Glass 8K: "[the] most mind-blowing thing I've seen since I first tried the Oculus prototype."

Medical Imaging:

The Looking Glass 8K is becoming a critical tool for partners in the medical imaging field, like Dr. Yuh Z. Lee, Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. "Understanding anatomic structures in three dimensions is critical for multiple aspects of high-quality patient care, including teaching trainees, educating patients, and procedure planning," says Dr. Lee. "The Looking Glass enables us to see and discuss anatomy in three dimensions collaboratively, without the need for cumbersome goggles or glasses." Doctors, patients, researchers, and medical students regularly comb through extremely complex 3D data using a flat computer screen that can't fully represent three-dimensional data sets, leading to critical errors in understanding. The Looking Glass 8K changes that.

"GE Healthcare's customers, both hospitals and the patients they care for, daily ask the question 'what does that x-ray/CT/MRI/ultrasound tell us?'" said GM of Additive Manufacturing at GE Healthcare, R. Scott Rader. "Presenting anatomy and disease pathology in 3D on 2D screens happens every day, but being able to share 3D lightfield imagery with a Looking Glass to a clinical care team, residents/fellows, patients, and other allied health care workers is one exciting potential solution to translating seeing to knowing, fast."


Likewise, for decades topographical datasets have been trapped to the confines of a two-dimensional screen or stereoscopic head-mounted displays for one person. This is all changing now with the Looking Glass 8K. "What could be cooler than a live 3D model of your construction project, displayed on a table in your HQ, showing progress in real time?" asks Chris Anderson, CEO of drone company 3D Robotics. "It's like the magic globe from Wizard of Oz but real, thanks to drones, crane-cams, and [the] Looking Glass." Abhishek Tripathi, Head of 3D Terrain at mapping platform Mapbox was quick to conclude that "3D maps on the Looking Glass [8K] display are immediately more engaging, immersive and collaborative. Quite simply it blew my mind."


Early entertainment customers of the Looking Glass include Intel® Studios, who are already starting to use Looking Glass displays to showcase high-quality volumetric captures to audiences around the world. Dave Smiddy, Head of Product at Intel® Studios says of the Looking Glass, "Looking Glass makes volumetric video content social and accessible. With the Looking Glass SDK we quickly bring volumetric video and immersive experiences to life." In recent exhibitions, Looking Glasses were used to display Runnin', the world's first cross-platform interactive holographic music video starring Reggie Watts.

Pricing & Availability of the Looking Glass 8K:

Demonstration units of the Looking Glass 8K are being hosted in Brooklyn, Hong Kong, San Francisco, and Tokyo with viewings by appointment only. The first advanced beta run of the Looking Glass 8K displays have sold out, but pre-orders are being accepted now for the next production batch with orders shipping in the order they are received starting Spring 2020. Enterprises interested in pricing for the Looking Glass 8K should contact future@lookingglassfactory.com.

Learn more about the Looking Glass 8K Immersive Display and arrange to see one for yourself at http://look.glass/8k.

 - end - 

About Looking Glass Factory

Looking Glass Factory Inc, with headquarters in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and additional operations in Hong Kong, is the global leader in the field of group-viewable holographic interfaces with the launch of their flagship product line, The Looking Glass. This unique combination of advanced hardware and software is based on the company’s patented light field technology and in 2019 became the most widely-adopted holographic display in history. Today, the company serves the holographic needs of both developers and enterprises and is committed to building the headset-free hologram-powered future we were all promised in science fiction growing up. For more information, visit www.lookingglassfactory.com or contact:

For press inquiries: press@lookingglassfactory.com

For all business development inquiries: future@lookingglassfactory.com

Varjo and Lenovo Partner to Drive the Next Spatial Computing Evolution for Enterprises

Leading Industrial HMD Creator and High-End PC Manufacturer Collaborate to Bring “Certified for Varjo” pairings on Lenovo Workstations for all Varjo Headsets 

Las Vegas, NV and Helsinki, Finland - November 19, 2019 - Varjo™ (Shadow in Finnish) Technologies, the leader in industrial-grade VR/XR headsets, today announced a co-operation agreement for technical and business collaboration with Lenovo, the number one PC manufacturer in the world and global technology leader. The new partnership, which is being announced from Autodesk University Las Vegas 2019, will create “Certified for Varjo” pairings on Lenovo desktop and mobile workstations for all Varjo HMDs. This combines world-leading professional VR/XR products with powerful, high-end computers, enabling enterprise organizations to adopt and implement VR use cases more quickly. 

“Our partnership with Lenovo helps drive a monumental shift in enterprise usage of immersive technologies,” said Timo Toikkanen, President & COO at Varjo. “Combining our products with Lenovo’s pioneering enterprise portfolio products into ready-made bundles eases adoption hurdles and quickly gives organizations the tools they need to start taking advantage of the many benefits of virtual reality.”

Professional VR applications including research, training and simulation, industrial design, and more require the most powerful and sophisticated technologies in order to create a valuable user experience. Varjo’s human-eye resolution VR devices, matched with the processing and compute power found in Lenovo’s workstation portfolio products, push the limits of spatial computing forward and deliver the most natural visual experience for exploring and interacting with high-resolution models and simulations.

“When you’re looking for the ultimate VR and XR viewing experience, you look for the only human-eye resolution display available,” said Rob Herman, General Manager, Workstation & Client AI at Lenovo. “The technology Varjo brings to the table is extremely sophisticated and requires professional workstation power to bring that clarity to life. That’s why I’m excited to see the partnership between Varjo and Lenovo come to life after months of development and collaboration – certifying several desktop and mobile workstation configurations across our ThinkStation and ThinkPad P Series portfolio. This certification ensures the highest-quality experience for professional applications – spanning across automotive, simulation, training, architectural visualization and more.”

Today’s global partnership announcement comes on the heels of Varjo’s recent launch of two state-of-the-art VR headsets – the VR-2 and the VR-2 Pro. Attendees of AU Las Vegas 2019 can see a demonstration of the new Varjo headsets at Lenovo’s booth #104.

About Varjo: 

Varjo Technologies Oy is based in Helsinki and is creating the world’s best hardware and software for groundbreaking VR/XR computing devices, merging the real and digital worlds seamlessly together in human-eye resolution. www.varjo.com


About Lenovo: 

Lenovo, known for product innovation, performance and reliability, offers a large portfolio of mobile and desktop workstations, with our ThinkPad and ThinkStation products. These high-performance workstations are designed to not just meet but exceed expectations; combining maximum performance with outright platform reliability. Pushing beyond the hardware, Lenovo strives to support the people behind the systems, to foster relationships and improve the industry overall. This includes supporting creative thinkers and enabling them with the latest technology to explore the possibilities. Learn more at www.lenovo.com/thinkworkstations

VIP Exhibition Hall Access for I/ITSEC 2019 - Courtesy of the VRARA

Register here

The Orlando Chapter of the VRARA in partnership with the National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) is offering complimentary VIP passes for the Exhibition Hall at I/ITSEC 2019 the 2nd - 6th of December.

To register please follow instructions here

I/ITSEC is the world's largest modeling, simulation and training conference.

Call for Participation for the German VR/AR Market Report!

If you’re interested in being featured in this report please email germany@thevrara.com

Our reports are a simple yet effective way to show what’s happening in Germany to the world. It will be distributed through the global VRARA network and regionally through the cooperation and partnership with the leading German Associations (Erster Deutscher Fachverband für Virtual Reality, nextReality.Hamburg, The Virtual Dimensions Center – Fellbach, Virtual Reality Berlin-Brandenburg).

Interested companies should use the email link above to learn more about how to participate as the deadline for submissions is December the 6th. Note that members each receive their own page within the report to showcase their company.

The resulting report will help us analyse our ecosystem’s size and potential whilst promoting on the international stage the solutions, services and expertise the German XR industry provides for in various verticals. We will also direct it here in Deutschland towards industry and businesses, the media in general, as well as official bodies who are engaged in decision making at the governmental level.

You can see reports from other European Ecosystems that have already been published.

Download here

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Download here

About VR/AR Association

The VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to facilitate collaboration between innovative companies and people in the VR and AR ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies. Over 4000 companies, brands, schools and 27,000 professionals are registered with VRARA and 20 industry committees are working on best practices & guidelines for the industry.

LAST CALL – Just over 24hrs left to submit for Aurea Award in Immersive Entertainment

The next Aurea Award ceremony and professional conference will take place on Jan. 15 - 16, 2020 at Europa-Park, where shortlisted state of the art experiences will not only show where the industry is all headed, but will also be pitched live on stage in front of an all-star Jury. All stakeholders from the entertainment sector from startups to investors, and creatives to corporates are invited to get involved and help the community grow.

Interested in applying? Submissions are open until midnight November 15, 2019!
Interested in attending? By invitation only. Request a spot here.

About Aurea Award
With just 5 AUREA awards up for grabs, film projects, music experiences, live events, games, mixed reality experiences as well as enabling technologies receive center stage in front of a crowd VR & AR enthusiasts. Besides showcasing and awarding the most exciting products and experiences, the conference also delivers thought-leader talks, candid discussions on panels and a slew of workshops, while leaving room plenty of room for networking and enjoyment. In the setting of one of the world's leading theme parks, the conference offers multiple opportunities for groundbreakers to be heard and seen, to connect to the most relevant pioneers in the ecosystem and to become a part of the vibrant AUREA community. 

The VR/AR Association is an international organization designed to facilitate collaboration between innovative companies and people in the VR and AR ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies. Over 4500 companies, brands, school and 27,000 professionals are registered with VRARA and more than 20 committees are working on best practices and guidelines for the industry.

The VR/AR Association appoints Jimmy Vainstein of the World Bank as Co-Chair of the committee, VR for Good

Following the successful VR/AR Global Summit, the VR/AR Association has announced a number of newly formed committees , including VR for Good, to accelerate the market’s best practices, guidelines, and standards, as well as a plan to implement projects to further explore the vast, and potentially life-changing applications that this technology can have.

In the increasingly interconnected global community, VR and AR can instigate massive change. Jimmy Vainstein of the World Bank, will co-chair our committee on VR for Good. Think Climate Change, Help end Poverty, Inequality, Education for all. VR for Good. VR for Change.

To participate in this or other Committees, see here and or email info@thevrara.com

About the VR/AR Association

The VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to foster  collaboration between innovative companies and people in the virtual reality and augmented reality ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop  industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies.


Kris Kolo, Global Executive Director, VRARA


Learn how Lockheed Martin is getting 35-50% reduction in technician time ROI from Scope AR's solutions

“Scope AR’s WorkLink augmented reality platform has tremendously helped our space division build high quality spacecraft by reducing the time it takes to interpret work instructions by more than 95 percent.”
— Shelley Peterson, Emerging Technologies Lead, Lockheed Martin

Call for Sponsors and Participation: State of the Art in VR/AR in Education 2019 Survey

If interested to sponsor email carlos@thevrara.com

To fill out the survey, click here

By the year 2025, immersive technologies (VR/AR) will be much more common than today. The increased interest of the large technology companies in these emerging technologies has been one of the major driving factors for the market.

The global virtual reality market size was valued at USD 7.3B in 2018 is projected to reach USD 120.5B by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 42%. VR market potential is very high with the full immersive VR applications, and adoptions in the industry such as education, healthcare, automotive, manufacture, defense and many others. The leading sector is anticipated to be the instruction and learning (education and training). With some creative thinking and a new immersive learning approach, training companies and colleges can do the same in disruptive environments. 

As the Education Committee, we have come together globally to share best practices, reflections, experiences, case studies, meetings, failures, and celebrating our wins where collectively work together to build global standards for VR & AR technology. And today, as part of our new Mission “Jumping into the Future of VR/AR in Education, diving in Blue Oceans Vision 2025”, we have decided to start this new project. 

This project began in the summer of 2017, with one primary and basic question- Do you think that VR/AR will be part of your future education ecosystem?. Additionally, we were looking for best practices in VR in Education along 2018 and some lessons learned from the very first implementations along this period. Now is time to jump into the Future.

The survey is designed to get insights, thoughts, experiences and case studies on the emerging trend of virtual and augmented reality in Education.

The final research from this survey will provide an in-depth assessment of the VR market in Education, including the following sections:

  • Demographics, definition, role description and location

  • Methodologies and experiences, describing the experience with in VR/AR technology

  • VR/AR Ecosystems, describing the different components

  • Barriers of adoption, identifying the entry barriers of adoption

  • Opportunities, describing the benefits and new opportunities of using VR/AR technology

About the Research

The main target of the research is to collate the State of the VR/AR Market in Education worldwide, providing great benefits to the Educational Community: providing assistance, relevant and global information, VR future roadmap, identify the major opportunities, market drivers, understand the teachers/student’s needs, IT future convergence and implementation scenarios and ecosystems. For this purpose, we want to analyze and evaluate the real situation of the technology in Education Sector and the potential of that for the next coming years.

Call for Sponsors

We are inviting sponsorship from industries, businesses, and government agencies including the leading players in VR/AR Technology.

Now it is time for sponsorship of this unique VR/AR in Education Research, and help us to promote this survey globally. We are looking for those who really believe in this independent initiative “VR/AR in Education” and want to help us to expand our Community worldwide. By sponsoring the VR/AR Education Research and Survey, you will be concretely responding to the New Disruptive Education Community call to action to end education barriers and create value from VR/AR technology for the Educational Community.

If interested to sponsor email info@thevrara.com

Call for Participation

Please take 10 minutes to answer this survey. Click here

Also, we would be very grateful to you if you can share this Call for Participation within your global network.

The survey will stay open until December 31, 2019.

Your input is very important for us and may influence the future of VR/AR tech research for the next 5 years!

The 2019 VR/AR in Education survey is an independent initiative from VR/AR Association and the Education Committee.


Carlos J. Ochoa Fernandez

Co-Chair, VR/AR Association Education Committee


YDreams's Arkave VR Platform Offers Numerous Options, Including VR Esports

Join YDreams, Sonya Haskins, and others in our Industry Sports Committee!

By Sonya Haskins

Interest in esports for immersive technologies continues to grow. One of the advantages of attending XR conferences and other events is the opportunity to learn about new products or experiences available for VR and AR, including immersive esports.

Recently, at the VR/AR Global Summit, I met Daniel Japiassu, CEO of YDreams Innovation, a Vancouver-based company specializing in augmented and virtual reality, interactive exhibitions, and esports. Japiassu invited me to try Arkave VR, YDX Innovation’s multiplayer VR gaming platform.

Specifically I was evaluating Arkave VR’s game, The Last Squad of Human Resistance. When checking out a VR game for esports potential, there are several things that can largely determine the potential success of a game. When developers invest time and energy into the following areas, their chances of success greatly increase:

  • The game should be fun.

  • It must be a good game.

  • It should have a spectator mode.

  • It should be competitive.

  • There should be an active playerbase.

Let’s take a look at how Arkave VR’s The Last Squad of Human Resistance measures up to each of these points.

It should be fun.

When evaluating whether or not a game is enjoyable, it’s important to seek different perspectives. It’s always great to play with others and watch others while they play, then get their feedback. Based on positive reviews online (4.7 out of 5 on Arkave’s Facebook page) as well as talking with attendees at the Global Summit, the game seems to appeal to a wide demographic of people. Personally, I thought it was enjoyable and my teammates, whom I had never met before, also had a great time.

It should be a good game.

The enemies in The Last Squad were creative, I really liked the upgradable guns, and the fact that my teammates and I could roam around the pop up area was great. My only real criticism with the game was the fact that we were in one room the whole time and I would like to have been able to go to another floor or another room. (This might be possible, but if it was, my team didn’t advance that far.) Update:  Arkave is working on a new chapter of the game that will take place on the roof. They’re also developing a PvP mode.

Since I normally play seated, I’ll add here that although I was standing during this experience, it would be possible to play this particular experience seated or in a wheelchair. Although it is a free roam experience, you could easily position yourself in such a way that you would be able to guard the doors and also keep an eye on enemies approaching from above. I’m a huge proponent of accessible games so I greatly appreciated the fact that this free roam game could be played seated.

It should have a spectator mode.

One of the best parts of free roam VR or location-based pop ups like Arkave VR is being able to watch your friends and family in the game while you also see what they’re doing in physical reality.

There are various design options, but the standard Arkave VR arena comes with a box truss structure that includes two t.v. monitors for external game play. This enables spectators with the ability to watch what’s happening in the game in real time.

It should be competitive.

When stating that a game should be competitive, let me clarify that this doesn’t necessarily mean a game has to be a multiplayer title to be competitive. While that’s an obvious option, there are also incredibly popular competitive single player VR games, such as Beat Saber or I-Illusions’ Space Pirate Trainer. Single player games can be competitive with leaderboards as players around the globe try to climb to the top.

Games such as The Last Squad allow for players within a particular match to compete against each other or they can work as a team to achieve higher scores than other teams. Arkade VR’s tournament mode includes a leaderboard ranking for single and multiple arenas.

There should be an active playerbase.

Arkave VR has been featured at some major gaming festivals around the world, including Game XP and Brasil Game Show in Brazil, Worten in Portugal, and Toronto’s EGLX in October. This exposure has helped build the playerbase and bring awareness of the platform.

With just over 1,000 followers on Facebook and 4,000 followers on Twitter, Arkave VR still has a ways to go before catching up with the holy grail of VR esports pop ups, the Virtuix Omni Arena, which has 52K followers, but they are already on par with numbers of followers for other popular VR esports games like Downpour Interactive’s Onward (700+ followers on Facebook) or Ready At Dawn’s Echo Arena (900+ followers on Facebook).

Overall impressions

The Arkave VR team who helped us at the VR/AR Global Summit were fantastic. They provided us with clean headsets, helped us get into game quickly, and offered to answer questions prior to and following the experience.

Although I played The Last Squad of Human Resistance on the Arkave VR platform, they do have other free roam games available such as Mythical City Games’ Snow Fortress, which I played had played earlier in the week at the Mythical City Games headquarters. As a side note, Snow Fortress would make a fantastic tournament game, especially for younger players. There are increasing numbers of VR esports competitions going on around the world, but many of these involve first-person shooters or they have age limits requiring players to be over 13. It would be great to see a competition in something like Snow Fortress for younger players who are interested in VR esports.

Operators can also transform Arkave VR into three individual game stations – or arcade mode – for games such as Vertigo Games’ Arizona Sunshine, Owlchemy Labs’ Job Simulator, and Superhot VR from Superhot Teams.

In addition, the platform offers escape rooms and they’re currently developing one based on Mickey’s adventures animated series:  Mickey Mouse and the Golden Heart. In the immersive experience, players must explore mysterious rooms in a Pyramid, solve puzzles, and confront creatures as Mickey and Minnie guide the cooperative group through challenges in an attempt to find the “Golden Heart” treasure.

Note:  Like all attendees to the VR/AR Global Summit, I was invited to try Arkave VR, but received no compensation or reward in exchange for my honest opinion of this platform.


The VR/AR Association is pleased to announce Tyler Wilson of the Whitecaps FC as the Co-Chair of the Industry Sports Committee

The committee will look to push new boundaries in sports through the application of VR/AR and increase the visibility of ESports in the wider community.  In addition, the Committee will create best practices and guidelines for the industry.

The Committee will meet every two weeks via video conference calling.  For more information see here. If interested to participate, email info@thevrara.com 

Tyler Wilson is Director of Strategic Partnerships and Innovation at the Vancouver Whitecaps FC. An avid VR/AR fan, experienced CRO in the Blockchain space and industry leader with over 15 years experience in the sports and entertainment sector. He’s been printed in the Sports Business Journal and presented on a global stage for the innovations and partnerships he’s created. Going outside the box and looking how tech can solve problems has allowed Tyler to push new boundaries throughout his career.

Tyler is proud to be Director of Strategic Partnerships and Innovation for the Vancouver Whitecaps FC, an advisor on Esports with the Vancouver Economic Commission and the luckiest dad in the world!

At the Vancouver Whitecaps FC, he creates strategic partnerships that empower the Club to push new boundaries and drive revenue. He does this by strategically integrating partners and utilizing tech to create rich interactions. Currently exploring ways to maximize connectivity with immersive experiences across Club development platforms. With over 40,000 athletes nationwide, it represents the largest development arm of the sport in North America. Tyler is also exploring ways to grow their emerging Esport platform in a unique fashion.

About the VR/AR Association

The VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to foster  collaboration between innovative companies and people in the virtual reality and augmented reality ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop  industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies.


Kris Kolo, Global Executive Director, VRARA


RECAP: The VR/AR Global Summit Featured Applications in Every Industry. And, what's next for the Association

The most exciting developments in virtual and augmented technologies from the VR/AR Association’s two-day global summit in Vancouver, BC

VANCOUVER,BC, Nov. 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the second-largest VR/AR ecosystem in the world, the final day of the VR/AR Association's Global Summit saw the launch of an international women’s committee dedicated to closing the industry’s gender gap, the successful test of airborne virtual and augmented reality for military training purposes, leaps forward in health and security, and much more.

“Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technologies are relevant to every facet of the world as we know it. The technologies being created in this space have far-reaching impacts on the workforce, health, art, entertainment, sports, national defense, and more. The importance of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality simply can’t be overstated,” said Nathan Pettyjohn, Founder and President of the VR/AR Association and Commercial AR/VR Lead at Lenovo.

Virtual reality is officially in flight
The US Air Force and Navy are increasingly leveraging advances in virtual and augmented reality to train their troops. During the summit, Red6 announced the first-ever successful execution of an airborne multiplayer AR experience. This prototype was created for the US Air Force, enabling pilots to use augmented reality to simulate and respond to threats in the air. Watch the demo video here.
Meanwhile, Heidi Buck, who heads up the Battlespace Exploitation of Mixed Reality, shared how the US Navy is using virtual reality tools for defense training and cultural immersion -- saving lives on the frontlines. 

How 5G is going to make VR and AR accessible at any time, and any place
Rapid advancements in network technology like 5G and Edge Computing are changing the way we experience immersive technology. Terry Schussler, Senior Director of Spatial Computing at Deutsche Telekom, shared how we can defeat what he calls ‘the mobile zombie apocalypse’ – a term he uses to describe the increasing number of people looking down at their phones to participate in AR experiences (think Pokémon Go or Google AR Objects). Instead, what becomes available with this technology are lightweight pieces that allow users to be constantly connected, seamlessly moving between reality and AR – ultimately creating a safer and more aware society.

Augmented reality makes the world an art gallery
Artist Nancy Baker Cahill can hang her art anywhere in the world using augmented technology. Her desert installation, “Revolutions”, depicts the impact of human interference with the natural environment, whereas her series “Battlegrounds” in New Orleans uses technology to commemorate historically significant sites. This unprecedented body of work is a truly innovative application of virtual and augmented reality, making art accessible to anyone with a smartphone.

First-ever Women’s Committee launched
Announced over a session hosted and dedicated to women in VR and AR was the VR/AR Association’s Women’s Committee – dedicated to identifying, encouraging, and empowering women in the traditionally male-dominated industry of VR and AR. The Global Summit committed to a 50% female speaker roster, including the likes of Heidi Buck from the Battlespace Exploitation of Mixed Reality, Cezera Windrem of AARP, and Cathy Hackl of Magic Leap. Cathy Hackl, the #4 Top Tech Voice on LinkedIn, took the opportunity to unveil her personal commitment to empowering women in the space through a fund she has developed to invest in women, offering to cover one VR/AR Association membership, as well as personal coaching from her for a year. 

Why did an VR/AR design company partner jump into the world of cannabis – and what did they learn?
Cannabis companies are embracing mixed reality as a solution to overcome certain barriers (like the fact that customers can’t handle the product and that it’s tough to transport the product over state lines) and to give both consumers and investors an inside look at their products, processes, and facilities. PATIO demonstrated how they’re solving several pain points with custom-made tools, and disrupting both industries in the process.

What’s next for the VR/AR Association
Following the successful summit, the VR/AR Association has just announced a number of newly formed committees to accelerate the market’s best practices, guidelines, and standards, as well as their plan to implement projects to further explore the vast, and potentially life-changing applications that this technology can have. 

  • Privacy & Security Committee: Although virtual, augmented, and mixed reality products and content are becoming more widely available to consumers, there is no industry-wide regulatory or safety standard. This is why the VRARA has formed its own Privacy & Security Committee.

  • VR for Good Committee: In the increasingly interconnected global community, VR can instigate massive change. Jimmy Vainstein, Interactive Media Program Lead at World Bank, will co-chair a committee on VR for Good.

  • Sports Committee: Co-chaired by Tyler Wilson, the Director of Strategic Partnerships and Innovation at the Vancouver Whitecaps, the committee will look to push new boundaries in sports through the application of VR and increase the visibility of ESports in the wider community.

About VR/AR Association's Global Summit
The VR/AR Global Summit will bring together industry frontrunners from around the world to discuss the present and future of immersive technologies. This world-class summit will welcome 1,000+ Executives, 120+ Speakers and 50+ Exhibitors from leading companies like Lenovo, Niantic, Microsoft, Viacom, and so many more. 


Kris Kolo, Global Executive Director


Join us at the 43rd Annual Training 2020 Conference Expo hosted by Training Mag. Come see the VRARA “VR/AR Pantry” with demos by DiSTI, Pixvana, Avatar Partners, Altoura in Orlando Feb 24-26

Register here

VRARA “VR/AR Pantry” includes demos by Pixvana, Avatar Partners, DiSTI, Altoura

VRARA Members get $250 discount, email info@thevrara.com for your code

The training industry's leading professional development event, is produced by Training magazine, and Lakewood Media Group. For more than 40 years, the annual Training Conference has given attendees the very best in skill-building content, covering train-the-trainer essentials (design, development, delivery, management, evaluation and measurement), behavioral analytics, digital learning, emerging technologies, and more. Co-located with the Training Conference are the pre-conference Learning Leaders Summit and the post-conference Innovations in Training field trip event.

Training 2020 has the suppliers to meet your needs. Browse top training products and services from our helpful exhibitors, stop by the Training Technology Test Kitchen, visit the Expo Stage, reserve a spot of the Verizon 5G Experience Bus, and shop at the Conference Bookstore.

VR/AR Pantry

Check out the VR/AR Pantry, developed in partnership with the VR/AR Association. Get hands-on with the latest in virtual and augmented reality! Various companies and technologies will be featured, including demos from Pixvana, Avatar Partners, DiSTI, Altoura.

Immersive Training with VR/AR Track

Explore case studies in virtual and augmented reality, featuring members of the VR/AR Association with track host Jeff Meador, Co-Chair of VRARA’s Training Committee, immersive reality expert and founder of JMXR. Learn how these companies leverage immersive training to improve their employee development programs. And explore the business goals behind their training decisions, how they were achieved, how to foster internal support, about curriculum design, and how they measure results.  See sessions: 104, 504, 604, 704

Register here

VRARA Members get $250 discount, email info@thevrara.com for your code