The Future of VR: Discreet Hardware, AR Convergence and Cultural Evolution

We all know that VR will play some major role in the future of media, content, commerce and several other verticals. But its specific trajectory isn't as clear.

The Future of Everything blog tackles the question, including insights from ADVR's CEO & Co-founder Arnaud Dazin. His quote is below, joining a who's who list of VR innovators. 

We agree with the outlook: VR and AR's potential will truly be reached when they converge in the form of hardware that's sleek and discreet enough (a la Moore's law) to support all day use.

And of course there will need to be cultural acclimation and legal underpinnings that evolve in step with that technological progression. Read the rest here.  

You are caught on camera about 70 times per day. In 2030, that number will increase exponentially with the prevalence of Reality Capture (volumetric capture). Wearing stylish, lightweight glasses that can do both VR and AR will be as common as wearing jeans, and the ability to film your personal and public highlights for later review in VR will replace selfies as the new favorite pastime. From reviewing your day in third person to improve posture to finding that perfect comeback after being roasted the night before-these are some of the exciting social impacts and future implications of VR. And because any great technological advancement also comes with human behavioral changes, privacy and laws regarding what we capture and share will be a pressing topic of the future.

ADVR is a member of the San Francisco chapter of the VR/AR Association. To learn more or become a member, contact us