Welcome to VR/AR Bytes, a weekly show featuring the movers and shakers of the VRARA Central Florida / Orlando Chapter. My guest today is Dr. Kay Stanney who is a researcher, professor, author, visionary and founder/CEO of Design Interactive, a company that specializes in human systems integration and development of innovative solutions that accelerate human performance.
Kay is also the undisputed leader in cybersickness research. Please feel free to contact her for some samples (of her research)!
While our podcast is normally scheduled for 5 minutes today’s episode runs longer. Kay has so much valuable information to share and some very enlightening insights such as the integration of AR and VR in the same environment and the limitation of broader adoption due to human physiological responses to virtual reality. She also shares who she follows and who inspires her. It is definitely worth the extra time. Consider it bonus material!
Thank you Kay and we look forward to seeing your latest tactical combat care casualty training solution that blends VR, AR and MR together at one of our upcoming chapter events