Ciara Hamagishi of Unity appointed as Co-Chair for our VR/AR Association Universities & Colleges Committee

We are thrilled to have Ciara Hamagishi of Unity help lead our VRARA Universities & Colleges Committee.

"Institutions incorporating VRAR truly inspire me and motivate my own work. I know all too well the commitment required to start new programs or to bring new technology into the classroom. I’m honoured to co-chair this committee and learn from its members."

Ciara Hamagishi

Ciara is the Senior Partnerships Manager, Education for Unity. Her focus is on higher education and workforce development opportunities to create equitable access for a diverse pool of future real-time 3D creators. She works with schools globally to provide grants, develop programs or incorporate Unity technology into the classroom.

Ciara has over a decade of experience in education in both Canada and the US across public, private and international. Her expertise is in partnerships, marketing and admissions/recruitment. Prior to Unity, she was on the leadership team of a Canadian technology bootcamp.