Rob Theriault appointed as Co-Chair of Universities & Colleges Committee of the VR/AR Association

We are thrilled to have Rob Theriault lead our Universities & Colleges Committee and VRARA community with respect to schools and learning institutions. Check schedule for upcoming Online Meets here.

“I think this committee is important, particularly for bridging the gab between education and enterprise in the VRARA sphere.”

Rob Theriault

Rob Theriault is the Immersive Technology Manager for Georgian College. Prior to taking this position, Rob was a 35 year veteran paramedic and former Critical Care Flight Paramedic. Rob also taught paramedics for over 20 years. After introducing virtual reality into the paramedic program at Georgian and helping to create a VR hub in the library, Rob was asked to lead the exploration and integration of VR for Georgian’s seven campuses. In two years Georgian has launched over a dozen virtual reality pilots for Indigenous language learning, Veterinary Technician, Biotech, Paramedic, Nursing, Power Engineering, Events Management, Trades and others. Georgian is now regarded as one of the world leaders in the exploration and integration of virtual reality as a learning medium.