Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 6: Summarizer + Generator using Database, Vision AI, Cohere, Hugging Face, and Open AI

In this sixth article of his series, Paul Parkinson describe and provide full source for a mixed reality app that takes any visual and audio input from a user’s surroundings, processing it with various AI, and returning output of summaries, results of generative AI, etc. Read the article here.

This is the sixth piece in a series on developing XR applications and experiences using Oracle and focuses on visual and audio input from a user’s surroundings, processing it with various AI, and returning output of summaries, results of generative AI, etc. Find the links to the first five articles below:

Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 1: Spatial, AI/ML, Kubernetes, and OpenTelemetry
Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 2: Property Graphs and Data Visualization
Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 3: Computer Vision AI, and ML
Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 4: Digital Twins and Observability
Develop XR With Oracle, Ep 5: Healthcare, Vision AI, Training/Collaboration, and Messaging