We are thrilled to have Peter Oykhman help lead our community! Join our weekly online sessions here.
Peter Oykhman is co-founder and CEO of PsyTechVR. PsyTechVR is a Mixed Reality application for Mental Health and Wellness. Peter Oykhman previously has served as CEO of CorePartners, a privately owned company in Frederick, Maryland that offers out of the box Inventory Warehouse Management Software called CoreIMS, CoreAchieve cloud based SaaS Learning Management platform and SAP software development. Peter successfully established his first software development and consulting business that after 2000 market crash has been transformed to CorePartners. Right now Peter is involved in two different enterprises as a board member and an officer. Peter’s exposure to international business over the last 35 years allows him to built efficient organizations. Mr. Oykhman while serving as a board member helped to expand business, find new vendors and clients and cut cost.
“I am excited to co-chair because VRARA plays such an important role in promoting VR/AR solutions across multiple industries and cultures. I have been watching VRARA for the last couple years and very impressed with the impact it has on the industry. ”