SF VRARA: VR/AR's State of the Union (video)

What's the current snapshot of VR and AR; and where do the biggest near-term opportunities lie? VRARA SF tackled these questions in a guest speaking slot at ARVR MunchnLearn.

Though we're excited for a VR future where headsets are the ubiquitous hardware standard, alternative formats will bridge that gap and scale more effectively to mainstream audiences.

With roughly 17 million VR headsets sold to date, The sector's momentum is clear but it pales in comparison to current ubiquitous hardware: $2.6 billion global smartphones.

That points to a nearer-term opportunity for mobile VR (Daydream, GearVR, etc.). It also points to temporal VR experiences that don't require upfront hardware purchases, such as VRCades.

The same goes for AR: We're not technologically (nor culturally) there yet for smart glasses ubiquity. So mobile is showing the way for a nearer-term scalable opportunity for AR.

The full presentation from this week's appearance is replicated below (slides and voiceover). Stay tuned for the on-site presentation video, including a 360-degree version. 

Learn more about the VR/AR Association, San Francisco Chapter here